Thursday, March 31, 2011

For my students who love "Top Gear"

Sometimes when you dis a product or company you get sued!

Mr. B

As many of my students prepare for video contest.....

There are many areas of TV production to consider as you begin your quest to win the MHS/Morristown Partnership video contest.

This is a link to help refresh your memories on the basics of camera movement.

Enjoy the break!

Mr. B

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Be the new voice of the Aflac Duck!


Be the next voice of the Aflac Duck. Gilbert Gottfried has been axed, could you be the next voice of the duck? Check out this website!

Mr. B

PS; Good Luck!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

But mom I have to watch "Jersey Shore"...........

SAT questions on Reality TV! Are you kidding me?

It must be true.....

Interesting site by the NAB (National Association of Broadcasters). Right from the horses mouth!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Interesting story on TV coverage and the Libyan conflict

Reporting should never be taken lightly, and should never be incomplete. A big problem in today's media is that networks, newspapers, and reporters forget one major element of news coverage; FACTS!

Without FACTS, Journalism becomes nothing more than gossip. Too often in today's world, Journalists report with emotion and bias rather than with the FACTS!

It's fun to listen to the Jon Stewart's, Bill O'Reilly's, and Rachel Maddow's of the TV world. It's another thing to believe everything they have to say. In today's digital age, where we get our information so quickly, let's not confuse Cable TV talk shows, Blogs, Chat Rooms, and Internet websites for real news gathering.