Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Which ever side you lean.....

Politics aside.....What a great field trip my students and I experienced yesterday. We went to NYC to visit Fox Business Channel, Fox New Channel, Fox.Com, and Fox Radio.
Students were treated to a wonderful tour of the facility, guest speakers; including Anchors Bill Hemmer and Kimberly Guilfoyle, and a delicious lunch.
Our hosts Andrew Hoffman, of Fox Business Channel, and Suzanne Scott from Fox News Channel, made us all feel as if we were part of the "team".
Students were given "real life" information and career advice.
I would like to thank chaperones Mr. Steve Woodruff, Morristown High School Chief Engineer, and Mr. Larry Colasurdo. Thanks also to Jim, our bus driver.

Whatever your political affiliation, this was America at it's finest. High School students getting a glimpse of a real, professional, work environment. Being told first hand, if you work hard, and are passionate about your career, good things will happen.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

This is exactly what I am feeling.......

I always felt the same way as the author of this article. If you "can do", you work in the private sector and if you "can't do", then you teach.

Nothing is further from the truth. I have worked harder the past year and a half than in most of my TV career.

As far as importance it is not even close. Directing a TV show is for entertainment and little else. Teaching affects lives, it impacts lives, it makes a difference.

Now don't get me wrong, I loved working in TV. I met many famous people, made decent money, and worked with some of the best people. But nobody lives or dies by what goes on television. TV executives are self absorbed, ruthless, disloyal, ratings crazed individuals. They believe that what they are doing is the most important thing in the world. If ratings are down, they think if they make male anchors go on air without ties that will improve ratings. If they change the set, or graphics, all of a sudden ratings will go up.

I care about my students. I want them to learn. I want them to learn TV production, but also life lessons.

Teaching is doing, I'm so happy I'm doing it!

Why the Giants mean so much to me.......

I have been a New York Football Giants fan since I was maybe 5 or 6 years old. My dad, was a Giants fan, my brother is a Giants fan, and my daughter is a Giants fan.

I remember going to a game at the old Yankee stadium with my dear friend Gary Allen. We must have been 13 or 14. His uncle Lenny (a lifelong fan) gave us the tickets. Anyway we took a train into NYC, got on a subway, and arrived at the stadium. It wasn't named for a bank or telecommunications company, heck it wasn't even named for the Giants. This was the mecca of all sports stadiums, this was Yankee stadium. I don't remember the score, but I believe the Giants got blown out by the Washington Redskins. It didn't really matter, we were at the game, and it was amazing.

The Giants were really lousy during my childhood, but that didn't matter much because I bled blue. I yelled at Allie Sherman, I yelled at Fran Tarkenton, I yelled at Homer Jones, I yelled at Pete Gogolak, I yelled at them all. But I still rooted, and I still do.

I won a contest on the Sonny Fox show. Who remembers Sonny Fox? Well you can Google him. Anyway, I won two tickets to see the Giants practice at Yankee Stadium. My mother, who wasn't driving at the time, took me to the stadium by train and subway. It was great sitting so close to the field. I also won an autographed football! Out of all the kids, I won this great ball which I still possess today.

You can see why my allegiance to this team is so strong. a lifetime full of memories, some great seasons and some horrible ones. I didn't begin rooting for this team because I was a front runner. If that would have been the case I would have been a Packers, Raiders, or Dolphins fan. No, I rooted for this team because they were in my blood, and that's why I bleed Giants Blue.

No matter what happens tomorrow, I will still love this team. With a win comes euphoria, a loss devastation. But one thing is certain, there is always next season, and the season after that, and after that, and..........

How lucky MHS students really are


Now that you have watched or created every Cinnamon Challenge appearing on YouTube it is time for you to create something important.
Do you realize how lucky you are to have a school full of the latest technology? Still cameras, graphic arts centers, Mac computers, a first rate Broadcast Center, etc., etc.
You have the ability to CREATE something special, something IMPORTANT.
You can spread your message faster than at any time in the World's history.
Forget viral, you can create REVOLUTIONARY! With a great idea or message, you can really make a difference. You can inspire, gain wealth, help people, and maybe create the next Twitter or Facebook.
Our school affords more opportunities than many colleges and universities. I know this for a fact because I hear it from graduates who have visited me this year.
So next time you want to make a silly video to put up on YouTube, pause a moment and think of what else you could create!

Mr. B