Friday, April 5, 2013

One of my students sent me this article........

Great opportunity for students who like broadcasting/filmmaking and another subject. In this case my student wants to major in biology.
Just another example of the power of digital communication in the world.

Friday, January 4, 2013


My supervisor sent me an article by Will Richardson which included this quote.

“My goal is more about inspiration than education, I don’t believe you can just pour knowledge into students. They have to learn things by trying them out.”

Jaymes Dec
Marymount School 

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Presidential Debates

As part of my recent broadcasting classes, I have had discussions with students about the Presidential debates. We are not discussing them from a political viewpoint, but rather from a journalistic and TV production one.

Students are asked to take note of how many cameras are used, set design, lighting, moderator performance, and on-screen text and graphics.

Students so far are not very interested in the myriad of on-screen gadgets (graphics) being used. They are split on whether they like the podium set up or the town hall set up. They don't think very highly of the moderators.

Students are very interested in the amount of time the candidates are using, specifically when they go over the allotted time. They want the moderator to be strict in enforcing the time limit. 

I want students to understand the importance of THE FACTS. They shouldn't be swayed by the commentators or moderator or the "post game" coverage. If confused about something, I want them to do research from a broad scope of sources, and come up with an informed, educated opinion.

More to come on the final debate and election coverage.........

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

RIP Manny

One of my students passed away today. Emmanuel "Manny" Stewart had Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. Manny made my decision to go into the teaching field worth everything. Manny could light up a room. His infectious smile and laugh made everyone around him happy. He loved music, talking about the weather, working on video projects with his boys Mario, Jake, Mike, and Will, and spending lunch time down in the TV control room.
Manny never let his disability interfere with his love of life. When you called his name for attendance he would quickly respond, "here", he was always willing to learn, he was always polite. When he would come down to my area during lunch, he would pull his wheelchair up to a computer and very politely ask me to lift his head so he could sit up. Never a complaint, never disrespectful, always ready to learn.
I am very, very sad tonight.
My deepest sympathy to his family.
RIP Manny, like a streaking meteorite, you shined brightly, but left us all too soon.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

The man......

A student of mine could use your prayers tonight. This student is quite ill, but battling like always.
I entered the teaching profession to work with a student like this. Always a smile, always polite, always inquisitive, and always ready to learn.
So when you go to sleep tonight, be thankful for the little things in life. Give your loved ones an extra hug, give the dog an extra treat, and please say a prayer for my student.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Something funny happened on the way.............

Yesterday during my last period I was sitting in my classroom with about half the class. I was discussing school rules with a student, and the discussion turned into a mock trial where I was the prosecutor and she was the defendant. I was trying to make a point about playing by the rules.

The other students' ears perked up and all of a sudden the discussion turned to my long career as a director for the cable network "Court TV". For the next 20 minutes or so, I talked about all the famous trials I had been involved with. Students were mesmerized by this "speech". Questions ranged from how we handled the trials from a technical standpoint to gory details about the crimes. 

You never know when a teaching opportunity pops up. I found it to be one of my most rewarding classes to date. The blending of technical TV talk with real life drama  hopefully will open students minds to the career possibilities that lie before them

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Schools In For Summer..........

Day 1 at MHS. Great to see my students.
Lots of great plans for this year.