Wednesday, November 10, 2010

The importance of WRITING in television......

Often overlooked, writing is as important in television, and other media as camerawork or audio production.
This site has some great tips!

"Excuse Me, Mr. Brinkley..."

>>Many years ago, while dining in a Miami restaurant, a TV production student of mine saw David Brinkley, one of the most experienced and respected network anchorpersons of all time.*
The student strode boldly up to Mr. Brinkley, introduced himself as an aspiring TV journalist, and asked:
"Mr. Brinkley, what advice could you give me to be successful in broadcast journalism?"

avid Brinkley, who won more awards in news than any radio or TV newscaster in history, put down his fork, thought for a moment, and said, "Three things: Learn to write. Learn to write. And learn to write."

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