Check out this PSA video contest. If you are interested, you had better get moving. The deadline is 12/20/11.
Mr. Butler
After a 30-year TV career, at the age of 53, I have started teaching. This blog will concentrate on new technology and its effect on TV and Radio. How does the "Digital Generation" view and create new media? Can anyone predict the form and content of TV and Radio 10 years from now?
Monday, December 5, 2011
Losing my mom.......
I lost my mom last week. She was 83 years of age.
My mother was a simple woman. Family came first, second, and third.
She taught me to respect my elders, to do unto others as you would have them do to you, and to always wear clean underwear.
She made a mean matzoh ball soup and noodle kugel.
She disliked dogs but loved mine.
She stood by my father through thick and thin.
She loved sports, especially the Yankees and football Giants.
She adored my daughter Hannah.
She had more medical problems than any human should have to endure.
She loved going to the beauty parlor.
She will be missed.
I love you mom.
My mother was a simple woman. Family came first, second, and third.
She taught me to respect my elders, to do unto others as you would have them do to you, and to always wear clean underwear.
She made a mean matzoh ball soup and noodle kugel.
She disliked dogs but loved mine.
She stood by my father through thick and thin.
She loved sports, especially the Yankees and football Giants.
She adored my daughter Hannah.
She had more medical problems than any human should have to endure.
She loved going to the beauty parlor.
She will be missed.
I love you mom.
Monday, November 21, 2011
Video Contest......Check It Out
Looks like a pretty cool video contest. Cash prizes and a good message.
Check it out.
Check it out.
Monday, November 14, 2011
Sounds like a good event....Check it out.......
Good people over at Montclair State University. I wish they would mention who some of the guest speakers will be. You can find more details and register at
Sunday, November 6, 2011
As the first marking period comes to an end.......
I am learning a great deal about my students this year. Their unpredictability has become more evident to me the first two months of this year than all of last year.
Likes, dislikes, interests, focus, and priorities all change like the fall winds.
A common thread however is the stress today's high school students deal with. When I was a high school student back in the 70's, things seemed much more uncomplicated. I wasn't dealing with the world's problems, I was worrying about when the next WHO album was to be released. I was a so-so students, I went to college, discovered what interested me (television), went on to have a successful career, and now am enjoying teaching as much as anything I have done in my life. My parents were very uninvolved in my education, both in high school, and in college. Is that a bad thing? I really don't think so. I motivated myself without pressure, I went by my own pace, my own successes and failures. I turned out alright.
Has today's ever-present technology, made life for our students more complex? The kids seem so pre-occupied worrying about who is texting who, what their favorite celebrity is Tweeting, who has the latest "cool" gadget, and which "single" song is coming out on Itunes. Maybe that is the problem, TIME! I would sit and listen to an ENTIRE album, over and over. Reading the lyrics, scanning the album art, and savoring every moment of my purchase. While today the kids are finished with their song in three minutes, and then are looking for something else to do immediately. Just maybe, today's kids have to sit down, relax, and do something for more than three minutes. Maybe they shouldn't worry about the future, instead they should let the future come to them, slowly. They should absorb all that is around them, discover what "MOVES" them, and then make choices. It may be a corny cliche but maybe they should take a little time and smell the roses.
I preach to my students all the time about finding a passion. Look towards the future with an eye on your bank account, but more importantly knowing that if you really, truly love what you do, a vocation will never be WORK.
I look forward to meeting with some of my students parents/guardians at school conferences this week.
Enjoy Sunday,
Mr. Butler
Likes, dislikes, interests, focus, and priorities all change like the fall winds.
A common thread however is the stress today's high school students deal with. When I was a high school student back in the 70's, things seemed much more uncomplicated. I wasn't dealing with the world's problems, I was worrying about when the next WHO album was to be released. I was a so-so students, I went to college, discovered what interested me (television), went on to have a successful career, and now am enjoying teaching as much as anything I have done in my life. My parents were very uninvolved in my education, both in high school, and in college. Is that a bad thing? I really don't think so. I motivated myself without pressure, I went by my own pace, my own successes and failures. I turned out alright.
Has today's ever-present technology, made life for our students more complex? The kids seem so pre-occupied worrying about who is texting who, what their favorite celebrity is Tweeting, who has the latest "cool" gadget, and which "single" song is coming out on Itunes. Maybe that is the problem, TIME! I would sit and listen to an ENTIRE album, over and over. Reading the lyrics, scanning the album art, and savoring every moment of my purchase. While today the kids are finished with their song in three minutes, and then are looking for something else to do immediately. Just maybe, today's kids have to sit down, relax, and do something for more than three minutes. Maybe they shouldn't worry about the future, instead they should let the future come to them, slowly. They should absorb all that is around them, discover what "MOVES" them, and then make choices. It may be a corny cliche but maybe they should take a little time and smell the roses.
I preach to my students all the time about finding a passion. Look towards the future with an eye on your bank account, but more importantly knowing that if you really, truly love what you do, a vocation will never be WORK.
I look forward to meeting with some of my students parents/guardians at school conferences this week.
Enjoy Sunday,
Mr. Butler
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
WJSV enters the digital age, Part II
WJSV is planning to improve its on-air capabilities with the Mega Seg DJ program. This program will allow for digital logging, cross-fades, pre-built playlists and much more. Students can't wait for the arrival of this product.
Instructional seminars will be held to ease in the transfer to the Mega Seg.
Instructional seminars will be held to ease in the transfer to the Mega Seg.
Friday, October 7, 2011
Good education piece on TED
Will the future of education in the United States follow this British lead?
Good stuff, thanks Zaji.
Good stuff, thanks Zaji.
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Final Cut Pro X News.....
Apple responds to some criticism.
Monday, September 26, 2011
Driving cars and getting jobs.....
I have realized early in my second year as a teacher that kids interests will change from year to year. As the advisor of a thriving radio and TV club at Morristown High School, I have discovered that your gung-ho students one year are not necessarily as engaged the following year. Cars, jobs, girlfriends, boyfriends, homework load, and other factors determine who is active one year and missing in action the next.
At first I was taking it personally, thinking that perhaps the luster had worn off of the new teacher. But then I harkened back to my high school days and remembered how my likes and dislikes changed from year to year.
One thing remains certain, we have a great deal of dedicated members and have already begun recruiting from the class of 2015.
Mr. Butler
At first I was taking it personally, thinking that perhaps the luster had worn off of the new teacher. But then I harkened back to my high school days and remembered how my likes and dislikes changed from year to year.
One thing remains certain, we have a great deal of dedicated members and have already begun recruiting from the class of 2015.
Mr. Butler
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Welcome to Back to School Night
I would like to welcome the parents/guardians of my broadcasting students. This blog will provide students with news, information, and conversation about broadcasting. I will provide links to technical sites, colleges which have broadcasting majors, and an occasional thought from me.
The broadcasting department is a wonderful place for your child to express themselves. It is a warm, friendly environment, one which allows students the opportunity to express themselves.
Our Radio and TV clubs offer great after school activities.
Mr. Michael Butler
The broadcasting department is a wonderful place for your child to express themselves. It is a warm, friendly environment, one which allows students the opportunity to express themselves.
Our Radio and TV clubs offer great after school activities.
Mr. Michael Butler
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Great editing tips.....
Videomaker is a good publication. The website offers some really good tutorials. Here is one on editing, enjoy.
Mr. Butler
Mr. Butler
Saturday, September 3, 2011
"Be not afraid of greatness: some are born great, some achieve greatness, and
some have greatness thrust upon 'em."
Twelfth Night (II, v, 156-159), WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE
some have greatness thrust upon 'em."
Twelfth Night (II, v, 156-159), WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Hope everyone is ready for a great year!
Just got back from the Bahamas. I was delayed a few days due to Irene.
Looking forward to seeing everyone on the 6th.
Looking forward to seeing everyone on the 6th.
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Found this link.....
Lighting is a very important part of quality video production. Often overlooked, lighting technique can add another "layer" to your work.
Stopped by school today
Hope everyone is having a great summer. I stopped by MHS today to see what is going on in the Broadcasting Center.
Mr. Woodruff has been busy getting equipment ready for the upcoming school year. We are waiting for some new audio and video equipment to arrive and I think all students will like what we are getting.
I have some great project ideas ready for broadcasting students. And as always we look forward to a great year live on the air at WJSV 90.5 FM Morristown! If you want to DJ your own show. stop by when school starts and we can get you on your way to hosting your own radio show. This opportunity is very rare in high school, so take advantage of it, you will never forget it!
Colonial Corner is looking to top its record setting year of 14 shows. I hope Executive Producer, Zaji Zabalerio is up to the task. Broadcasting 3 students will be in charge of the production of Colonial Corner, but all MHS students are welcome to participate.
Enjoy the remainder of your summer vacation, see you in September.
Saturday, June 25, 2011
New doesn't always mean better.......
Final Cut Pro X comes under fire.
My first year......
Teaching is difficult! Teaching is wonderful! Teaching is frustrating! Teaching is sharing! Teaching is inspiring! Teaching is caring!
My first year was fantastic. I learned so much about a profession which I knew very little about. The different student learning styles, personalities, and backgrounds make for a job which humbles you, yet inspires you to make a difference.
I tried lots of different things in my classroom this year. Some worked, some didn't. But what I do know is that you are always striving for improvement and innovation. I really wanted to allow the students to become self motivated. I didn't want to lecture day in and day out. I challenged my students to create projects on their own, from concept to finished product. Some grasped that concept and some still were longing for me to guide them every step of the way. My goal as an educator is to prepare these students for what lies ahead once they leave the comfortable setting of Morristown High School. One day an employer, professor, or drill sergeant will give a task, and expect it to be completed with little help. I want my kids to be ready for that day.
Teachers are under attack by State and Federal government. They are being targeted as what is wrong in our country. This is misguided and undeserving. Teachers are the supply line for the future generation of this great land; doctor's, lawyers, soldiers, chemists, gardeners, anthropologists, psychologists, and every other vocation one can imagine. Teachers work hard every day educating and motivating students. They provide a safe, nourishing environment, where knowledge and self improvement are the goals.
I am proud to be a teacher, and look forward to my second year at MHS.
To my students; enjoy your time off, be creative, be safe, be loving, be happy.
See you in September,
Mr. Butler
My first year was fantastic. I learned so much about a profession which I knew very little about. The different student learning styles, personalities, and backgrounds make for a job which humbles you, yet inspires you to make a difference.
I tried lots of different things in my classroom this year. Some worked, some didn't. But what I do know is that you are always striving for improvement and innovation. I really wanted to allow the students to become self motivated. I didn't want to lecture day in and day out. I challenged my students to create projects on their own, from concept to finished product. Some grasped that concept and some still were longing for me to guide them every step of the way. My goal as an educator is to prepare these students for what lies ahead once they leave the comfortable setting of Morristown High School. One day an employer, professor, or drill sergeant will give a task, and expect it to be completed with little help. I want my kids to be ready for that day.
Teachers are under attack by State and Federal government. They are being targeted as what is wrong in our country. This is misguided and undeserving. Teachers are the supply line for the future generation of this great land; doctor's, lawyers, soldiers, chemists, gardeners, anthropologists, psychologists, and every other vocation one can imagine. Teachers work hard every day educating and motivating students. They provide a safe, nourishing environment, where knowledge and self improvement are the goals.
I am proud to be a teacher, and look forward to my second year at MHS.
To my students; enjoy your time off, be creative, be safe, be loving, be happy.
See you in September,
Mr. Butler
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
And the winners are......
I would like to thank all of my broadcasting students and Ms. Delimon's journalism students for participating, and working very hard on the MHS/Morristown Partnership, "Morristown's Treasured Businesses" contest.
You should all be proud of the way you tackled this project. Your professionalism, dedication, and effort was amazing.
Without further ado the winners are;
1.) Marty's Reliable Cycle $300 gift certificate
2.) Braunschweiger Jeweler $200 gift certificate
3.) The Dain Shoppe $100 gift certificate
Congratulations to all!
Mr. Butler
You should all be proud of the way you tackled this project. Your professionalism, dedication, and effort was amazing.
Without further ado the winners are;
1.) Marty's Reliable Cycle $300 gift certificate
2.) Braunschweiger Jeweler $200 gift certificate
3.) The Dain Shoppe $100 gift certificate
Congratulations to all!
Mr. Butler
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
As we wind on down the road.........
I will do a more complete post on my first year of teaching in July. For now, I want to say that this past school year was probably the most rewarding year in my professional life.
I really never worked as hard, spent so much time at work, and then came home with a smile on my face. Do I know everything there is to know about teaching? Of course not, teaching is a profession where you constantly learn, challenge yourself, and try to improve each day. For those who think teachers have a cake job, think again. My 30 years in the television industry were a walk in the park compared to how hard I worked this year. Teachers are given the daunting task of caring for parent's most prized possession, their children. That is a task which should never be taken lightly, and one that I am honored to do.
My students have been wonderful (for the most part). :) You never know from one day to the next what challenges you will face. Just when you think everyone is on task, something happens, and your game plan does a 360. My experience as a live TV director has prepared me to handle a curve ball, my teaching career has taught me to handle the curve, slider, change-up, and knuckle-ball.
I have challenged my students to "think for themselves", to create their own projects, with little or no help from me. For some, this has been difficult. Many students are used to a teacher spelling out every instruction and every lesson. My aim this year was to teach kids how to use the equipment, what makes good video and audio, and then let them figure out the rest. Sometimes it works, other times it doesn't. But one thing is certain, broadcasting students have done over 100 videos, created 12 editions (to date) of the school TV program, "Colonial Corner", and filled just about every time slot on our student run radio station, WJSV, 90.5 FM, Morristown.
I would like to thank the administrators, teachers, MHS staff, my mentor (Jim Boothby), and especially the students for welcoming me to Morristown. It is a year I will never forget, and hopefully the beginning of a wonderful journey.
Mr. B
I really never worked as hard, spent so much time at work, and then came home with a smile on my face. Do I know everything there is to know about teaching? Of course not, teaching is a profession where you constantly learn, challenge yourself, and try to improve each day. For those who think teachers have a cake job, think again. My 30 years in the television industry were a walk in the park compared to how hard I worked this year. Teachers are given the daunting task of caring for parent's most prized possession, their children. That is a task which should never be taken lightly, and one that I am honored to do.
My students have been wonderful (for the most part). :) You never know from one day to the next what challenges you will face. Just when you think everyone is on task, something happens, and your game plan does a 360. My experience as a live TV director has prepared me to handle a curve ball, my teaching career has taught me to handle the curve, slider, change-up, and knuckle-ball.
I have challenged my students to "think for themselves", to create their own projects, with little or no help from me. For some, this has been difficult. Many students are used to a teacher spelling out every instruction and every lesson. My aim this year was to teach kids how to use the equipment, what makes good video and audio, and then let them figure out the rest. Sometimes it works, other times it doesn't. But one thing is certain, broadcasting students have done over 100 videos, created 12 editions (to date) of the school TV program, "Colonial Corner", and filled just about every time slot on our student run radio station, WJSV, 90.5 FM, Morristown.
I would like to thank the administrators, teachers, MHS staff, my mentor (Jim Boothby), and especially the students for welcoming me to Morristown. It is a year I will never forget, and hopefully the beginning of a wonderful journey.
Mr. B
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
New Final Cut Pro X
Here is some news on the new Final Cut Pro X
Thursday, March 31, 2011
For my students who love "Top Gear"
Sometimes when you dis a product or company you get sued!
As many of my students prepare for video contest.....
There are many areas of TV production to consider as you begin your quest to win the MHS/Morristown Partnership video contest.
This is a link to help refresh your memories on the basics of camera movement.
Enjoy the break!
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Be the new voice of the Aflac Duck!
Be the next voice of the Aflac Duck. Gilbert Gottfried has been axed, could you be the next voice of the duck? Check out this website!
Mr. B
PS; Good Luck!
Be the next voice of the Aflac Duck. Gilbert Gottfried has been axed, could you be the next voice of the duck? Check out this website!
Mr. B
PS; Good Luck!
Saturday, March 19, 2011
But mom I have to watch "Jersey Shore"...........
SAT questions on Reality TV! Are you kidding me?
It must be true.....
Interesting site by the NAB (National Association of Broadcasters). Right from the horses mouth!
Thursday, March 10, 2011
For all of my students who love YouTube!
Mom, I'm going to major in YouTube at College.
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Interesting story on TV coverage and the Libyan conflict
Reporting should never be taken lightly, and should never be incomplete. A big problem in today's media is that networks, newspapers, and reporters forget one major element of news coverage; FACTS!
Without FACTS, Journalism becomes nothing more than gossip. Too often in today's world, Journalists report with emotion and bias rather than with the FACTS!
It's fun to listen to the Jon Stewart's, Bill O'Reilly's, and Rachel Maddow's of the TV world. It's another thing to believe everything they have to say. In today's digital age, where we get our information so quickly, let's not confuse Cable TV talk shows, Blogs, Chat Rooms, and Internet websites for real news gathering.
Without FACTS, Journalism becomes nothing more than gossip. Too often in today's world, Journalists report with emotion and bias rather than with the FACTS!
It's fun to listen to the Jon Stewart's, Bill O'Reilly's, and Rachel Maddow's of the TV world. It's another thing to believe everything they have to say. In today's digital age, where we get our information so quickly, let's not confuse Cable TV talk shows, Blogs, Chat Rooms, and Internet websites for real news gathering.
Friday, February 25, 2011
New Final Cut Pro
Apple's new version of Final Cut Pro is receiving early positive reviews! We're not getting it at MHS, but new versions are out there.
Friday, February 18, 2011
RTDNA story on "The Business"
Thinking of getting into Journalism? It's not the easiest field to break into, but if your passion is Radio/TV/Internet/News, etc, there are opportunities waiting for you.
Mr. Butler
Mr. Butler
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Finding your passion, and contributing to your group
At the beginning of the year I talked about how you wouldn't have to master every area of TV and Radio production. We talked about finding a crew position which really excites you. As we continue our video projects this year, I urge you to become passionate about one or two areas of the production. This will enrich the group setting and lead to wonderful packages.
That being said, do not rule out or shy away from an area in which you are not currently comfortable. I know that editing seems difficult, but Final Cut Pro is a forgiving editing system which is easy to master and will benefit you throughout your high school career. As more and more classes at MHS allow video projects for assignments, think how wonderful it will be when you turn in an engaging, informative video presentation.
Mr. B
Sunday, February 13, 2011
As we head into the second half of the year!
Broadcasting students,
As we head into the second half of this rapidly moving school year, I have been very impressed by the progress you have all made since September.
Who would have thought back in September when many of us went out to the football field to learn the equipment we would be at the stage where we are now shooting, editing, and producing quality video presentations.
I will still preach PRODUCTION VALUES to all of you. Many projects have had good video and poor audio. Audio is as important as video, and sometimes even more important. The second a viewer watches a story and there is poor audio quality, they immediately tune out. All of your hard work on the video side is now overlooked by the poor audio.
Another thing I am noticing is your dependence on utilization of the green screen and internet sources for your work. They sometimes are important elements, however, they should NEVER be the main focus of your work. Use them sparingly, as needed, to enhance your production not dominate it.
When creating a video, concentrate on all facets of the piece; Camerawork, audio, special effects (don't overuse them!), colorization, transitions (choose wisely here!), scriptwriting, and clean, effective editing.
Remember, the mastery of this equipment and form of communication will allow you to create special video assignments for other classes. And on this note, please do not tell a teacher at MHS you can complete a video assignment for a project if you are not capable. It is not my job to help you with a non-broadcasting assignment. Learn the tricks of the trade in your broadcasting class, then dazzle teachers with your class projects.
Mr. Butler
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Interesting Website, "The Young and the Digital"
Great info on technology and youth.
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Just when you thought.........
Just when you think everything in your career, and world are moving ahead smoothly, along comes someone with another idea. Keith Olbermann had the highest rated program on MSNBC, it wasn't enough to save his job.
Just when you think everything in your career, and world are moving ahead smoothly, along comes someone with another idea. Keith Olbermann had the highest rated program on MSNBC, it wasn't enough to save his job.
What do you think??? Internet good for Journalism or not?
This is a good assessment of how members of the media feel with regards to how the internet is affecting Journalism. Check out the bottom of the article for participants in the study.
Monday, January 10, 2011
Attention MHS Broadcasting students!!!!!
Check out this video contest. You can win a Flip phone and $500 in books for the MHS library.
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Are you ready for some football? Fox plans its Super Bowl coverage
This article takes a look at how Fox Sports will handle the logistics of their Super Bowl XLV coverage!
Internet TV, Internet TV, Internet TV, Internet TV............
We all know the day is coming when the Internet and TV become one. This NY Times article looks at where we are today.
Monday, January 3, 2011
To my students.....THIS COULD BE YOU!!!!
A simple idea, determination, knowledge, and dedication. This is the future of media, YOUR FUTURE!
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