Sunday, February 13, 2011

As we head into the second half of the year!

Broadcasting students,

As we head into the second half of this rapidly moving school year, I have been very impressed by the progress you have all made since September.
Who would have thought back in September when many of us went out to the football field to learn the equipment we would be at the stage where we are now shooting, editing, and producing quality video presentations.

I will still preach PRODUCTION VALUES to all of you. Many projects have had good video and poor audio. Audio is as important as video, and sometimes even more important. The second a viewer watches a story and there is poor audio quality, they immediately tune out. All of your hard work on the video side is now overlooked by the poor audio.

Another thing I am noticing is your dependence on utilization of the green screen and internet sources for your work. They sometimes are important elements, however, they should NEVER be the main focus of your work. Use them sparingly, as needed, to enhance your production not dominate it.

When creating a video, concentrate on all facets of the piece; Camerawork, audio, special effects (don't overuse them!), colorization,  transitions (choose wisely here!), scriptwriting, and clean, effective editing.

Remember, the mastery of this equipment and form of communication will allow you to create special video assignments for other classes. And on this note, please do not tell a teacher at MHS you can complete a video assignment for a project if you are not capable. It is not my job to help you with a non-broadcasting assignment. Learn the tricks of the trade in your broadcasting class, then dazzle teachers with your class projects.

Mr. Butler

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