Thursday, July 26, 2012

A Summer Reflection

On this hot, humid and stormy summer day I would like to take a look back at the past school year. My second full year as a teacher has come and gone. It went by so fast that it seems like yesterday students were sitting in the stands rooting on the football team.

Many students who welcomed me on my first day two years ago, graduated in June. They were juniors back then, I remember the helpful advice they gave to the "green" teacher. Now they are moving on and it makes me realize how quickly time goes by. I wish them all much success.

Teaching is very challenging. There are days when students are engaged and in the groove. On other days, not so much. The challenge becomes how do I create the perfect lesson, the perfect environment for learning? I want students to be creative, innovative, and motivated. My passion for this subject matter is well known. After-all, I spent 30 years in the broadcasting business, so being passionate about TV comes easy for me. My first year, I would get frustrated when students didn't have the same enthusiasm for the material as I do. I thought I was doing something wrong. How can these students not LOVE this stuff like I do? I have now adjusted, realizing that some students may like the class but they don't LOVE it, and I'm getting better with that.

One misconception today is that all of these kids are technical geniuses. They may be great on the phone, they may be able to text like a pro, but I have learned that for some of them, that's the extent of their proficiency. My challenge is to show them that there are other ways to express themselves besides Facebook and Twitter. They can use the tools in my class and in the high school to create stories, make some money, and perhaps one day start a career.

The 2012/13 school year is right around the corner. I am expecting big things from all of my students. I hope they are as excited as me. And to the graduates of the class of 2012, I wish you happiness, health and a world filled with love and adventure.

Mr. Butler

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